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WORK PRODUCTIVITY how to get more done

No matter how long you’ve been in business, you’d probably like to increase your efficiency as well as your team’s output, writes beauty business expert Liz McKeon

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Productivity at work is one of the top concerns of any salon owner. Increasing your productivity will automatically help you to feel more in control of your working day. Below are some simple, easy to implement strategies to claim back your time and remind your business who’s boss.

Top 9 tips

1. Work your daily to-do list

Place an up arrow next to tasks that require more energy and focus, and a down arrow beside the tasks that are more mindless. Note how long you expect each task to take.

If you are sharper in the morning, then that’s when you should attend to the tasks that have the up arrow next to them. And, if you stick to your allocated times, you can easily pinpoint quick tasks to slot into new 10 or 15 minute time slots.

2. Learn to prioritise your to-do list and know what to tackle first

One simple time management tool for prioritising is known as the ‘Urgent – important matrix’. Tasks fall into one of four categories:

• Urgent and important

• Not urgent, but important

• Not important, but urgent

• Not urgent and not important Aim to work on ‘Not urgent, but important’ tasks as much as possible.

“One of the BIGGEST CHALLENGES all SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS have is accepting that they CANNOT DO IT ALL by THEMSELVES. As an owner, YOU HAVE A LONG LIST of RESPONSIBILITIES, but you don’t have to do it all.”

3. Turn off notifications!

It’s really challenging to have some uninterrupted, focused work time each day. While you don’t have control over who’s reaching out to you, you do have control over the how and the when. Those endless buzzes, dings and alerts might seem inconsequential, but they can quickly throw your day off track.

If technology distractions are holding you back from peak productivity, then give yourself some focused, head-down work time by turning off your notifications, even for a couple of hours. We live in the call-and-respond era and automatically assume people must have a response immediately. Well, guess what? They will wait to hear back from you.

4. Know yourself

Some people arrive to the salon full of energy, others need a strong coffee and an hour before their brains are fully alert, while some are at their best late at night. Take note of when you are most alert and schedule the most difficult tasks for those times.

5. Learn to delegate

One of the biggest challenges all small business owners have is accepting that they cannot do it all by themselves. As an owner, you have a long list of responsibilities, but you don’t have to do it all. If tasks start to pile up, decide which ones must be done by you and delegate tasks that can be passed onto someone else.

6. Distraction can kill productivity

If necessary, put a ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign on your door. Should it be impossible to focus in your office space, then spend time elsewhere each day, such as in a local coffee shop.

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“IT’S REALLY CHALLENGING to have some uninterrupted, FOCUSED WORK TIME EACH DAY. While you DON’T HAVE CONTROL over who’s reaching out to you, YOU DO HAVE CONTROL over the HOW AND THE WHEN.”

7. Stop trying to multi-task – it is a myth!

Scientific research has demonstrated that multi-tasking is actually switching rapidly between tasks and that it costs us time and energy each time we switch.

So, instead of trying to do two or more things at once, tackle your to-do list one item at a time and don’t move on until an item is completed.

8. Take breaks

While it may feel counter productive to take breaks, studies continually show that taking breaks can increase productivity. Breaks are good for your physical and mental health and can help re-energise you for the task at hand. The exception is when you’re in ‘flow mode’ – astate of effortless productivity. In that instance it’s best to just keep going and not interrupt yourself. Otherwise, go for a walk, have a coffee, water the plants and then come back refreshed.

9. Have fewer meetings

Meetings are essential for salon success, but having too many meetings can steal time from salon productivity. Avoid unnecessary meetings, always have an agenda, don’t go off topic, and always get an outcome.

Like most areas of leadership, productivity increases when an improvement in your team begins with your improvement as an individual.

Increasing the team’s productivity in the salon

Firstly, set realistic goals and targets: everybody in your business needs good goals that are understandable, attainable, clear, enjoyable and measurable. Make sure every team member knows precisely what is being asked of them.

Secondly, establish KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) in the form of re-bookings, retail sales and services. During the course of your day, it’s a good idea to regularly check your KPIs and keep track of progress, so you can identify problems and implement solutions quickly. Be sure to always celebrate successes when your KPIs tell you the team has achieved a goal.

Thirdly, create a healthy work environment because this kind of positive atmosphere contributes to productivity in multiple ways. When salon team members are happy, they are more likely to think creatively, leading to very satisfied clients.

As a salon owner there are always going to be many demands on your time and energy. You want to be more efficient and effective, but you probably don’t have spare time to master new work approaches or software platforms that promise to save you time.

The above simple strategies will help you prioritise and focus on the right tasks, without requiring a huge investment in time.

Liz McKeon is an author, business coach, trainer and mentor, specialising in salon turnaround. Email

This article appears in Professional Beauty March Issue

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