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In tough times such as South Africa finds itself in, as in a struggling economy hammered by a dire electricity crisis, one can be so busy desperately trying to survive that it’s possible to forget about the basics. One essential of a successful business is work productivity. This is something all salon and spa owners should be striving for – optimum productivity – both from themselves and of course, their staff. We include in this issue a useful article that provides tips in this regard.
Harking back to the poor economic situation, unfortunately this always results in the need for treatment and product price increases. This raises the question of how often you, as the business owner, can raise your prices and by how much, and how clients struggling with cost of living increases will react. We asked a business expert to provide her invaluable advice on this subject.
It’s no secret that the modern world is completely ruled by technology and as savvy salon owners, you should be using all the available technology to make it as easy as possible for clients to do business with you. A lot of this obviously pertains to website optimization and search engines, as you will read in this issue.
Collagen is the cornerstone of youthful skin so there is no wonder that there is so much focus on it. While so much has been done over the decades in terms of topical skincare designed to stimulate collagen production in the skin, the past few years have seen an increase in the market of collagen supplements. Ingestible collagen is purported to have many benefits for the body other than just the skin and is of course, a handy retail item for your shelves. We include in this issue a special feature on this category of skincare.
Joanna Sterkowicz Editor – Professional Beauty