8 mins

ASK THE Experts

Our beauty experts answer your questions about running a salon or spa business.


The definition of self discipline is: The ability to make yourself do the things that should be done, when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not!

Your ability to develop the habit of self-discipline will contribute more to your salon success than any other personal quality. Business owners who enjoy great success have the ability to think long-term, delay gratification in the short term so that they can enjoy even greater rewards in the long-term.

The key word is “sacrifice”. It is the ability to sacrifice immediate pleasure in the present so that you can enjoy rewards later on. Self discipline means self control and self mastery; it doesn’t mean that you don’t enjoy pleasurable experiences in your day to day life, but it does mean that you have them after you have done all the necessary hard work and completed your key building business tasks.

Self discipline, the common denominator of business success, is a habit that you learn with practice and repetition. If you want to achieve all that is possible for you, there are 7 disciplines you must develop:

1. Daily Goal Setting:

Focus and concentration are the essential qualities for success. Every morning, take 3 – 5 minutes to write out your top goals in the present tense. By writing out your 10 goals at the beginning of each day, you will programme them deep into your subconscious mind. It will stimulate your mind and make you more alert.

Throughout the day you will see opportunities and possibilities to help you move more rapidly toward your goals.

2. Daily Time Management:

Take a few minutes, to plan out every activity for the coming day. Always work from a list and always think on paper. The more you plan, the better you use your time and the more you accomplish.

Organise the list by priority before starting work. Use the A B C D E method to set priorities. This is based on considering the consequences of doing or not doing a particular tasks.

A = Must do – serious consequences for not doing

B = Should do – mild consequences for non-completion

C = Nice to do – no consequences for non-completion

D = Delegate – everything you possibly can

E = Eliminate – everything you can to free up more time The discipline of time management spreads to all you other disciplines and has immediate benefits in the quality of your work life.

3. The discipline of Courage:

Courage makes you do what you should do, teaching you to deal with your fears rather than avoiding them. It is another habit that is developed by practicing whenever it is required. The biggest obstacle to business success is fear of failure. Make a habit of confronting your fears rather than avoiding them. When you confront the fear and move towards it, the fear gets smaller and you become braver.

For practice, identify one fear in your life and then discipline yourself to deal with it, to confront it, do whatever it takes as quickly as you possibly can. This will give you the courage and confidence to go through your life and deal with every fearful situation.

4. Excellent Health Habits:

The key to health can be summarised in a few words – rest well, eat less and exercise more! Design and imagine your ideal body in your own estimation and let this become your goal. Develop the habit of exercising daily, best done in the morning before you have time to think about it.

5. The discipline of Hard Work:

The harder you work, the luckier you get! Develop the reputation for being a hard worker and work all the time you work – in other words, don’t waste time. Continually as yourself “what is the most valuable use of my time right now”? Whatever your answer, work on that every hour of every day.

6. Develop the discipline of Persistence:

The greatest test of self-discipline is when you persist in the face of adversity, and you drive yourself forward to complete your tasks 100% no matter how you feel. Your persistence is the measure of your belief in yourself and in what you are doing. Persistence is actually self discipline in action. Self discipline leads to improved self esteem and a greater sense of personal power – all very useful in running a successful salon business.

7. Time for important people in your life:

Relationships are everything. Be sure that in climbing the ladder of success, you do not find it leaning against the wrong building. Make time for your relationships every day, no matter how busy you get.

There are many benefits of practicing self discipline:

• The habit of self discipline virtually guarantees your success in life.

• You will get more done, faster and of higher quality than with any other skill.

• You will be paid more.

• You will experience a greater sense of self-control, self reliance and personal power.

• The greater your sense of self discipline, the greater your self confidence and the lower will be your fear of failure and rejection. Nothing will stop you.

• With self discipline, you will have strength of character to persist over all obstacles until you eventually succeed.

Positive thinking brings inner peace, success, improved relationships, better health, happiness and satisfaction. It also helps the daily affairs of life move more smoothly, and makes life look bright and promising.

Positive thinking is contagious. People (including clients) pick up on your mental moods and are affected accordingly. Think about happiness, good health and business success and you will cause people to like you and desire to help you, because they enjoy the vibrations that a positive mind emits.

In order to make positive thinking yield results, you need to develop a positive attitude towards life. Effective positive thinking that brings results is much more positive than just repeating a few positive words, or telling yourself that everything is going to be all right. It has to be your predominant mental attitude. It is not enough to think positively for a few moments, and then let fears and lack of belief enter your mind. Some efforts and inner work are necessary.

Learn to think positively and expect only favourable results and situations, even if your current circumstances are not as you wish them to be. In time your mental attitude will affect your life and circumstances change accordingly.


Liz McKeon, Salon Business Expert, CEO of The International Salon Business School, Author of best-selling book, “30 Days to Beauty Business Success”, Recipient of an All-Star Lifetime Achievement Award for Empowering Female Entrepreneurs, is thrilled to launch her Summer Sale, providing current salon owners, aspiring salon owners, managers and leaders with the opportunity to purchase two for one tickets for her renowned and best-selling Manager Training: ‘Elevate Your Management and Leadership Skills For Success’.

Liz created this programme because from all the 1000s of salons and spas that she has worked with, people management tends to be one of the biggest daily challenges, and she wanted to create a programme that would empower team members to be the best team manager possible and in doing so, keep their business safe, thriving and successful. The programme consists of sales training, customer service and increasing salon revenue to name a few topics.

Commenting on her ‘Elevate Your Management and Leadership Skills for Success’ programme, Liz McKeon said, “‘Elevate Your Management and Leadership Skills for Success’ is a beneficial programme for all team members: those who want to upskill within their management role, those looking to train a team member to become an outstanding manager, stylists/therapists/barbers/ aesthetic practitioners who want to become manager ready, or for team members who just want to explore if management is for them. It’s also an ideal programme for those starting a business but are unsure how to manage the salon floor. Before you become a team leader, success is about growing yourself, and this programme will help to enhance not only a leader’s knowledge and skills, but also their leadership qualities. It’s also the perfect course for those looking to keep their team highly motivated, inspired and excited for the future. Satisfied employees mean satisfied clients, which leads to profitability!”

A few previous happy business owners commented on the programme:

“My dear friend Liz, you are a powerful rockstar, thank you so much for these three amazing days. Your business management programme has stripped my way of thinking right back to create space in my cloudy mind to allow for clarity for the future vision of my business that is far more strategic. This course is one of the most powerful lessons I have learnt in my 30 years of industry, leaving me feeling empowered, motivated and excited for my future years in the business. Thank you so much.” Sarah Mason, Sarah Mason Professional

“I am so grateful I had the opportunity to attend the programme. What I have learnt over those 3 days with you is what we needed to help us grow Serenity and motivate our staff. The training enlightened my understanding of skills to adapt in my professional role and changed my perspective in regard to ideas, staff and ways of dealing with situations in the salon.” Janet Kelly, Serenity

“Hi Liz, a few months ago I attended your 3-day programme with my manager, Rebecca. At the time morale was low and stress levels were high to say the least. At the end of the three days, we left feeling highly motivated, inspired and excited for the future. Since then, our bookings have seriously increased, while our confidence continues to grow. Also, our retail is four times higher than last year. I am so thankful to you for a truly amazing programme. I am excited to attend more of your courses and bring my ever-expanding team to your staff training sessions. You are a wonderful and inspiring lady; please continue to do what you do. Sending you all good fortunes, you truly deserve.” Michelle R

Dates: September 3rd , 4th and 5th 2024

Venue: Drinan Enterprise Centre, Swords, Dublin, Ireland

Price: usually €750 per person – currently €750 for two places with the current Summer Sale offer!

For further information on ‘Elevate Your Management and Leadership Skills For Success’ visit: to book the current Summer Sale offer, contact or call +353 1 892 8007 / +353 86 386 1243.

For further information on Liz McKeon, please contact AJC 93 PR by calling 0131 202 0659 or by emailing

Liz McKeon, Salon Business Expert and Founder of the International Salon Business School.
This article appears in Professional Beauty July Issue

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