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The Professional Beauty team is basking in the afterglow of a successful show, namely our annual Johannesburg Expo at Gallagher Convention Centre, which saw loads of industry professionals interacting with suppliers and being exposed to the latest products on the first weekend of September. Our show visitors also had the opportunity to network with their peers and learn from presentations at the Business Seminars, the Advanced Skincare Stage and the World Spa & Wellness Convention.
As we gleefully head into the warmer months after a nasty and seemingly endless winter, there is obviously renewed emphasis on protecting our skin from the harsh rays of the South African summer sun. This is the time when therapists should be actively educating their clients on sun care and retailing good quality sunscreens. There is also a definite market for self-tanning systems, which opens up another revenue stream, whether the system is for in-salon or for retail. In this issue you will find some of the best sun care products and self-tanners on the market.
Along with the summer months comes a somewhat rampant desire to get our bodies into bikini-ready shape. For this reason, we have included a special feature on body contouring treatments, both topical and machine based.
Joanna Sterkowicz Editor